Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School
Curriculum: Maths

Welcome to the Maths Curriculum page. Below you will find links to all the information on Maths lessons taught throughout the school. Children from reception to Year 6 follow a scheme called 'White Rose Maths'.

Maths Curriculum Statement

At Herrick Primary School, we are currently adopting a Mastery Approach to mathematics.

The emphasis is on developing pupils’ mathematic skills and master them alongside ensuring they are fluent in their knowledge of times tables and the four mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Various methods and strategies are introduced as they progress throughout the school and a greater emphasis is placed on children's reasoning skills once the basics are embedded.

National Curriculum Progression
National curriculum and 'Ready to progress' mapping
Maths Curriculum Statement
Our vision for Maths at Herrick
Multiplication and division calculation policy Addition and subtraction calculation policy
Year 1
Spring scheme of learning
Term overview
Year 2
Spring scheme of learning
Term overview
Year 3
Spring scheme of learning
Term overview
Year 4
Spring scheme of learning
Term overview
Year 5
Spring scheme of learning
Term overview
Year 6
Spring scheme of learning
Term overview

Herrick Primary School
Lockerbie Avenue
Telephone: 0116 2665656
Email: office@herrick.leicester.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr U Patel
Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School
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