Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School
Star School

School Spotlight – Herrick Primary School

Herrick Primary School is proud to have been chosen as a Star School by Lexia, a software company aiming to boost literacy progress in children. Lexia has been used at Herrick since 2019. The school’s success has been recognised by Lexia, who praised the hard work of the children to achieve their Lexia goals. The computer-based program adapts instruction to the needs of the individual student, focusing on developing reading skills in three areas: word study, grammar and comprehension. Each week, students get a weekly goal, which decreases over time as they make progress. Lexia have awarded Herrick Primary School with a £50 book voucher so that they can purchase new library books.

What do our children think?
Year 3 pupils:
“I love finishing a Lexia level and getting a certificate”
“I have learnt the meaning of so many new words”

Year 4 pupils:
“Lexia is so fun! I like the warm up activities!”
“I like reading and then answering questions”

Year 5 pupils:
“Lexia is amazing. It helps me to learn how to spell new words”
“Lexia helps me with my grammar and punctuation. I have learnt about plurals and synonyms”

Year 6 pupls:
“I learnt all about suffixes and prefixes. I have learnt lots of techniques to improve my writing”
“Lexia is very helpful. It is helped me improved me a lot in reading. It is easy to use and I love tracking my progress”

You can read Miss Phipps’ ‘Star School’ interview with Lexia here:

You can find out more about Lexia PowerUp Literacy.

Pupil access to Lexia
School Spotlight – Herrick Primary School

Miss Phipps’ ‘Star School’ interview with Lexia
Herrick Primary School
Lockerbie Avenue
Telephone: 0116 2665656
Email: office@herrick.leicester.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr U Patel
Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School
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