Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School
Remote Learning for Children

Online learning - School Closure

In the event of a Bubble Closure or Whole School Closure: My Child's Timetable for the Week

Welcome to DB Primary

Oak National Academy offers a range of subjects related to the curriculum from Reception to Year 6.

1) Google: Oak Academy or enter www.thenational.academy

2)Click on Find Lessons
Herrick Primary School

3) Select Key Stage

Herrick Primary School

4) Select a subject
There are recorded videos and lessons. A range of topics are offered. Please have a look at the curriculum flyer to find out what is currently being taught in school and select the topic online so children can continue to learn at home.

Herrick Primary School

Herrick Primary School
Lockerbie Avenue
Telephone: 0116 2665656
Email: office@herrick.leicester.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr U Patel
Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School
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